International Healthcare Research Journal <p>International Healthcare Research Journal (IHRJ) aims to publish quality articles pertaining to the healthcare sector and provide all scholars a single platform to visit, read and disseminate the knowledge gained through articles published in this journal. IHRJ, being a monthly journal, &nbsp;published in the <em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>last week of every month (till February 2024)</strong></span></em>.</p> <p>As per a recent meeting of the editorial board, it has been decided that from <em><strong>March 2024,</strong></em> all issues henceforth will be<em><strong> dynamic in nature</strong></em> i.e an issue will be published when one article for the corresponding month has been accepted for publication. The issue completed will comprise of all articles published <em><strong>on the last day of the month</strong></em>. This has been done to reduce <em><strong>wait times for accepted manuscripts and for the ease of our authors</strong></em>. However, this does not affect our double-blind peer review process in any way and manusripts will still follow our vigorous editorial and review processes.&nbsp;</p> <p>We solicit your kind co-operation by not submitting plagiarized manuscripts. IHRJ has a strict <strong><em>anti-plagiarism policy</em>&nbsp;</strong>and every manuscript submitted undergoes a rigorous editorial review (including plagiarism check) followed by a <strong><em><u>double-blind peer-review</u></em></strong> process.&nbsp;</p> Vatsul Sharma en-US International Healthcare Research Journal 2456-8090 The Positive Impact of Smart Watches on Human Health <p>In the fast-paced, digital world we live in, smart watches have emerged as stylish accessories with the potential to significantly impact human health. These wearable devices offer a wide range of benefits, including internet access, calling, GPS navigation, and health monitoring capabilities. They are in high demand globally and find applications in various sectors, including healthcare, transportation, and electronics. Smart watches have the ability to track medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease and seizures, enabling self-monitoring of activity, providing feedback on activity levels, and facilitating communication with healthcare providers. Integration with the Geographic Information System (GIS) aids in disaster management, while applications can enhance bystander CPR by monitoring CPR frequency and depth. Despite their numerous benefits, smart watches also present challenges and potential negative impacts. They can promote sedentary behaviour, distract users, disrupt sleep patterns, expose users to electromagnetic radiation, raise privacy concerns, and contribute to technology dependency and addiction.&nbsp; This short communication will mainly focus on key benefits &amp; negative impacts of smart watch on human health.</p> Rajkiran Tiku Arpita Rathod Bhumika Tiku Copyright (c) 2024 Rajkiran Tiku et al. 2024-05-19 2024-05-19 8 2 SC1 SC3 10.26440/IHRJ/0802.05630 Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Need of the Hour <p>Data is said to be the new oil which has the highest value in the black market and the healthcare sector has the highest amount of data in the form of patient information. The healthcare sector is poor in securely managing the data and cyber attackers leverage on this information to steal the data through phishing, ransomware and other methods. Phishing is the most common cybercrime in healthcare. In ransomware attacks, malware is injected into a system through phishing emails to encrypt sensitive data and demand ransom to restore access to the system. Insider threats are very tough to detect and prevent. The healthcare institutions have now realised there shortcomings and have adopted various cybersecurity methods and frameworks to protect them from heavy loss. Cybersecurity in healthcare can be improved by various ways such as encryption, network segmentation, employee training and regular security assessment. All cybersecurity strategies should incorporate the 5 C’s – change, compliance, cost, continuity, coverage. Cybersecurity frameworks provide a structured approach to managing and mitigating cyber risks. During COVID 19 the healthcare sector was affected both workwise and digitally because of increased cyber attacks.</p> Isha Thakur Nidhi Bhalla Surabhi Duggal Copyright (c) 2024 Isha Thakur et al. 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 8 2 RV1 RV5 10.26440/IHRJ/0802.05634 Phantom Vibration Syndrome: A Review <p>Phantom Vibration Syndrome (PVS), also known as phantom ringing, is a fascinating yet perplexing psychological phenomenon associated with the ubiquitous use of mobile technology. This review explores the prevalence, potential mechanisms, psychological implications, and management strategies related to PVS. Drawing upon a range of empirical studies and theoretical frameworks, this review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of PVS and its implications for individuals in the digital age.</p> Sylvia Daniella Sheila McKee Copyright (c) 2024 Sylvia D et al. 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 8 2 RV6 RV7 10.26440/IHRJ/0802.05635