Comparison of One Point Fixation Vs Two Point Fixation in the Treatment of Zygomatico Maxillary Complex Fractures.

  • Ritesh Vatsa Private Practice in Patna
  • Priyanka Priyadarshini
  • A.D. Bhagat Singh
Keywords: Oral fracture, Dentistry, Zygomatic bone


Background: Zygomatic fractures constitute of 20-40% of all facial fractures, most common among the males between the second and fourth decades of life. The ratio of the incidence between females and male is 1: 4. The zygomatic bone occupying a prominent position in the face determines the facial width. It also acts as a major buttress for the mid face between the maxilla and cranium and it is this prominent location which makes it more prone to injury.


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DOI: 10.26440/ihrj.v2i9.177
Published: 2018-12-23
How to Cite
Ritesh Vatsa, Priyanka Priyadarshini, A.D. Bhagat Singh. Comparison of One Point Fixation Vs Two Point Fixation in the Treatment of Zygomatico Maxillary Complex Fractures. IHRJ [Internet]. 2018Dec.23 [cited 2024Oct.4];2(9):229-34. Available from: