Clinical and Radiographic Characteristics of the Primary Teeth Indicated For Pulpectomy: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Introduction- Although difficult to achieve but an accurate diagnosis of pulp status is important for the success of pulp therapy in primary teeth. Clinical signs and symptoms, as well as radiographic characteristics, are important in this regard. Material and methods- This cross-sectional analysis evaluated the clinical and radiographic characteristics in 60 decayed primary mandibular second molars from children aged 4-8 years indicated for single visit pulpectomy treatment based on their history, clinical examination and radiographic examination. Results- Pain was present in 60% of cases followed by tenderness on percussion (1.7%) and sinus tract (1.7%). Evaluation of duration of onset of pulpal involvement revealed 86.7% cases had chronic involvement whereas 13.3% cases showed an acute exacerbation of chronic involvement. Irreversible pulpitis was present in 68.3% cases followed by pulp necrosis in 28.3%. Only 7 out of 60 cases indicated for pulpectomy showed radiographic involvement in periapical or furcation areas. Conclusion- Pain was the most common symptom. Majority of cases had chronic involvement and irreversible pulpitis was the most common indication for pulpectomy followed by pulp necrosis. Only a few cases indicated for pulpectomy in the present study had radiographic involvement present.
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