Brief Case Report: Alveolar Dehiscence in a 20 Year Old Male Patient

  • Udit Jain
Keywords: Dehiscence, Alveolar, Fenestration


The two main alveolar defects are: dehiscence and fenestration, which are quite commonly observed and this brief case report describes Alveolar Dehiscence in a 20 Year Old Male Patient and its subsequent treatment.


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DOI: 10.26440/ihrj.v2i9.01B
Published: 2018-12-23
How to Cite
Udit Jain. Brief Case Report: Alveolar Dehiscence in a 20 Year Old Male Patient. IHRJ [Internet]. 2018Dec.23 [cited 2024Jul.3];2(9):215-6. Available from: