Formulation of Satisfactory Meal for Sudanese Children (3-5 years) in Wad Medani Greater Locality, Gezira State, Sudan

  • Sitana E. Abdelrahman
  • Ali O. Ali
  • Haydar E. Babikir
  • Ghada T. Abdoun
  • Awad Elgeed T. Elkabashi
Keywords: Children, Food Samples, Approximate Analysis, Optimal Meals


BACKGROUND: A knowledge of chemical composition of food is the first essential in the quantitative study of human nutrition and in the dietary treatment of disease. One of the reasons for studying nutrition is to learn how to select meal that will enable to achieve and maintain good health.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to conduct approximate analysis for some types of food so as to  formulate adequate  meals for Sudanese children. 

MATERIALS AND METHOD: A total of 300 children 3-5 years of age from Wad Medani locality, Gezira State, Sudan, were surveyed. The study was conducted during period from July 2014 to February 2015. Dietary data and eating habits of children were obtained by interviewing mothers about their children’s diet using pre-tested questionnaires. Analysis of the main food was carried out according to the protocols of AACC (1980) and AOAC (1975, 1984).

RESULTS: The results showed that, all samples of food are relatively high in carbohydrate and low in protein and  fat content. Bearing in mind that all these types of stuff do not give a balanced diet therefore, two adequate meals were suggested.

CONCLUSION:  It is important to add more ingredients to some of our traditional foods, to improve the nutritional values.


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Author Biographies

Sitana E. Abdelrahman

University of Al Baha, Faculty of Science and Art, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ali O. Ali

Professor of Food Science

Department of Food Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

University of Gezira, Sudan

Haydar E. Babikir

Professor of Pediatric and Child Health

Faculty of Medicine

University of Gezira, Sudan

Ghada T. Abdoun

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Nutrition

Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition

Faculty of Medicine

University of Gezira, Sudan

Awad Elgeed T. Elkabashi

Assistant Professor of Food Science

Department of Food Science and Technology

Faculty of Agriculture

University of Al Zaeim Alazhari, Sudan


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DOI: 10.26440/IHRJ/0307.10288
Published: 2019-10-24
How to Cite
Sitana E. Abdelrahman, Ali O. Ali, Haydar E. Babikir, Ghada T. Abdoun, Awad Elgeed T. Elkabashi. Formulation of Satisfactory Meal for Sudanese Children (3-5 years) in Wad Medani Greater Locality, Gezira State, Sudan. IHRJ [Internet]. 2019Oct.24 [cited 2024Jul.27];3(7):235-9. Available from: