Study of the Impact of Brain Vascular Accidents on Memorization in Man

  • Bakou Niangoran Francois
  • Atayi Eugene
  • BA Abdoulaye
Keywords: Working Memory, Stroke, Learning


BACKGROUND: The search for disruption of memory in patients with stroke has been performed, in order to better understand the behavior of these patients and optimize their neuropsychological accompaniment.
AIM: To evaluate memory disturbances following stroke in patients; in order to better understand the attitudes of these patients.
MATERIALS AND METHOD: Fifty-five (55) patients with stroke participated in a spatial memory test. This test consists in studying the arrangement, the designation and the evocation of images during learning a spatial arrangement.
RESULTS: Of the 55 patients, 54.54% of patients passed the test but with later learning. And 45.45% failed at different events, they present real memory problems.
CONCLUSION: Our study, confirms that stroke patients face difficulties which often include cognitive impairments, such as memory deficits. Our results indicate that these memory disorders manifest themselves to varying degrees. Indeed, the working memory disorders would be more marked in group II patients than in group I patients or they can be considered transient


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Author Biographies

Bakou Niangoran Francois

Unit of Animal Physiology, Jean Lorougnon GUEDE  University, Daloa, (Côte d’Ivoire)

Atayi Eugene

Neurology Service, Functional Exploration Unit of the Nervous System, C.H.U. from Cocody-Abidjan, (Côte d’Ivoire)

BA Abdoulaye

Laboratory of Neuroscience, UFR Biosciences, Felix HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY University, Abidjan, (Côte d’Ivoire)


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DOI: 10.26440/IHRJ/0404.07354
Published: 2020-07-22
How to Cite
Bakou Niangoran Francois, Atayi Eugene, BA Abdoulaye. Study of the Impact of Brain Vascular Accidents on Memorization in Man. IHRJ [Internet]. 2020Jul.22 [cited 2024Jul.3];4(4):88-1. Available from:
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