What Role, if any, Should Economic Evaluation Play in Market Access Decisions of Pharmaceutical Treatments for Cancer Patients with Short Life Expectancy?

Keywords: Cancer, Pharmaceutical, Economy, Evaluation


Short Commentary By Angel Justiz-Vaillant, Department of Para-Clinical Sciences. University of the West Indies. St. Augustine Campus. Trinidad and Tobago 


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Author Biography

Angel Justiz-Vaillant

Department of Para-Clinical Sciences. University of the West Indies. St. Augustine Campus. Trinidad and Tobago.


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DOI: 10.26440/IHRJ/0503.06421
Published: 2021-06-17
How to Cite
Angel Justiz-Vaillant. What Role, if any, Should Economic Evaluation Play in Market Access Decisions of Pharmaceutical Treatments for Cancer Patients with Short Life Expectancy?. IHRJ [Internet]. 2021Jun.17 [cited 2024Jul.3];5(3):SC1-SC4. Available from: https://ihrjournal.com/ihrj/article/view/421