Operationalizing Command Centre for COVID-19 Care Services in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital

  • Sanika Ratnakar Kulkarni
  • Henna Dhar
Keywords: COVID-19, Strategic Planning, Hospital Administration, Tertiary Healthcare, Delivery of Healthcare


COVID-19 was declared a public health emergency of international concern by WHO in March 2020. Hospitals were overburdened, health workers were drained and resources were depleting due to which people were desperately looking for hospital beds, medical oxygen and other necessities. For this purpose, a command centre was set up by the hospital administration department. The command centre targets for the enhancement of patient outcomes by coordination of care and centralized quality control. The main objectives of the command centre include internal communication between the departments concerned with COVID-19 care, appropriate resource allocation in the hospital for COVID-19 care and data compilation and dissemination of the real time data from COVID-19 war room to government organizations. The COVID-19 war room functions daily in a dedicated manner which helps in strategic planning and managing all the functions efficiently. The command centre though works dedicatedly, certain challenges are faced while carrying out the functions.


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Author Biographies

Sanika Ratnakar Kulkarni

MPH PG, JSS Medical College, School of Public Health, Department, of Community Medicine, Mysuru

Henna Dhar

MPH PG, JSS Medical College, School of Public Health, Department, of Community Medicine, Mysuru


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DOI: 10.26440/IHRJ/0506.09457
Published: 2021-09-28
How to Cite
Sanika Ratnakar Kulkarni, Henna Dhar. Operationalizing Command Centre for COVID-19 Care Services in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. IHRJ [Internet]. 2021Sep.28 [cited 2024Jul.3];5(6):SC1-SC4. Available from: https://ihrjournal.com/ihrj/article/view/457