Emporiatrics: A Comprehensive Guide to Travel Safely

Keywords: Travel medicine, Travellers health, Vaccines, Travel kit, Travel medicine speaciist


The journey overseas has its manifold benefits resulting in its increased trend these days. People are more aware of its positive impact on mental and physical wellness, but they are less aware of the risks and issues that it poses. International travel is becoming more popular as it promotes physical and mental well being while also providing job and educational opportunities. With this boost in international travel, it is critical to ensure traveller’s safety. Tourists are susceptible to a wide range of travel-related health issues, from insect bites to injuries in extreme sports or due to extreme climate. Children, elderly, and people with underlying diseases should take extra care and precautions. Emporiatrics, also known as travel medicine is a multidisciplinary speciality that promotes health and provides prevention and management of health problems encountered by international travellers, with a primary emphasis on preventive pre-travel care. It suggests the need to consult health care professional beforehand and if required referral to travel medicine specialist. Therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness about this issue for the well being and safety of the tourists.


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Author Biographies

Jaismine Singh

Intern, Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar, Himachal Pradesh, India

Palak Chaudhary

Intern, Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar, Himachal Pradesh, India


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DOI: 10.26440/IHRJ/0607.10564
Published: 2022-11-02
How to Cite
Jaismine Singh, Palak Chaudhary. Emporiatrics: A Comprehensive Guide to Travel Safely. IHRJ [Internet]. 2022Nov.2 [cited 2024Oct.7];6(7):RV1-RV3. Available from: https://ihrjournal.com/ihrj/article/view/564