Skin Reaction to an Asthmatic Patient on Hydrocortisone

  • Abby Wong
  • Carlson James
  • Manika Sharma
Keywords: Pruritis, Hydrocortisone, Skin Reaction


Steroids constitute the basic of treatment of asthma by interrupting the development of inflammation. Although being prescribed to subjects for allergies, they can also be the culprit behind allergic reactions. We report a case of a 38-year-old woman, who was prescribed hydrocortisone for severe acute asthma, and presented with an allergy to hydrocortisone in the form of generalized pruritus, cutaneous mucosal lesions in the form of purpura and ecchymoses on the abdomen and limbs. The substitution of hydrocortisone led to recovery.


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Author Biographies

Abby Wong

MD (Dermatology), Private Practitioner, Alberta, Canada

Carlson James

MD (Dermatology), Private Practitioner, Alberta, Canada

Manika Sharma

MBBS, Private Practitioner, Pune, India.


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DOI: 10.26440/IHRJ/0611.02595
Published: 2023-03-12
How to Cite
Abby Wong, Carlson James, Manika Sharma. Skin Reaction to an Asthmatic Patient on Hydrocortisone. IHRJ [Internet]. 2023Mar.12 [cited 2024Sep.19];6(12):RV4-RV6. Available from: