COVID-19 and Dental Practice: A Review

Keywords: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Dentistry


Novel coronavirus outbreak which started in Wuhan in December 2019 has spread across the globe at a high pace. This infection can be transmitted through droplets, close contacts, aerosols and other forms. Both uninfected patients and healthcare professionals are hesitating in seeing each other being scared of catching this viral disease. To overcome this upcoming gap between healthcare professionals and patients, there is a need to find out a way to answer their concerns and reinforce their confidence. As no specific treatment for this pandemic exists, one can only rely on infection control measures to prevent further spread of this disease. The aim  of  this  review  is to focus on  specific guidelines in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in dental clinics and hospitals.


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Author Biography

Sana Bashir

Post Graduate Student, Department of Public Health Dentistry, I.T.S Dental College and Hospital, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad


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DOI: 10.26440/IHRJ/0405.08062
Published: 2020-08-22
How to Cite
Sana Bashir. COVID-19 and Dental Practice: A Review. IHRJ [Internet]. 2020Aug.22 [cited 2024Sep.19];4(5):113-5. Available from: