A Study Assessing Gender Distribution Using Maxillary Sinus

  • Swati Parhar
  • Amani Mahajan
  • Ankur Goel
  • Andleeb Manhas
Keywords: Maxillary sinus, Computerized tomography, Forensic medicine, Gender determination


INTRODUCTION: Corpse recognition is a difficult procedure. Comparison of both ante mortem and post-mortem records is essential and assists in identification of corpses. Typical methods of identification however sometimes may be inconclusive. Gender determination is an important aspect in identification of corpses. Previously skull, pelvis and the long bones have been used in gender determination. It has been reported earlier that maxillary sinus remains intact even when skull and long bones may be badly disfigured in incarnated victims.
AIM: The aim of this study was to examine whether the measurements of the maxillary sinuses may possibly be used for gender determination.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Computed tomography scans of total of 50 Adults patients within the age range of 25 to 65 years from the previous dental records were taken. Sample comprised of 25 (50%) males and 25 (50%) females. The width, height and length was measured in all cases using CT images.
RESULTS: Maxillary sinus exhibits anatomic variability between genders. A significant difference in the length and height of maxillary sinus was observed with respect to males and females. (p<0.005)
CONCLUSION: We conclude from the present study that the height and length of maxillary sinuses together with other bones can be used for gender determination when skeleton is not available.


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Author Biographies

Swati Parhar

Reader, Department of Oral Pathology, Swami Devi Dyal Hospital and Dental College, Barwala, Panchkula, India

Amani Mahajan

Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology, Swami Devi Dyal Hospital and Dental College, Barwala, Panchkula, India  

Ankur Goel

MDS (Oral Pathology), Consultant Dental Surgeon, Panchkula

Andleeb Manhas

MDS (Oral Pathology), Consultant Dental Surgeon, Jammu


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DOI: 10.26440/IHRJ/0406.09284
Published: 2020-11-07
How to Cite
Swati Parhar, Amani Mahajan, Ankur Goel, Andleeb Manhas. A Study Assessing Gender Distribution Using Maxillary Sinus. IHRJ [Internet]. 2020Nov.7 [cited 2024Jul.3];4(6):162-5. Available from: https://ihrjournal.com/ihrj/article/view/284